
Travel insurance

FOR INDIVIDUALS » Travel insurance

A trip wait all always with great anticipation. As well but if we organize, there is always the possibility of a slight "hitch" to thwart our plans and make us feel uncomfortable.

The ATLANTIC UNION, designed travel insurance programs that protect you from possible problems that may arise during a trip and provide you coverage options depending on the family and your financial needs.

Offered coverage:

  • Up capital of € 117,000 for loss of life in case of accident
  • Up capital of € 117,000 in the event of Permanent Total or Partial Disability due to accident
  • Medical expenses up to 3,000 euros in case of accident (inside and outside the hospital)
  • Amount to 500 euro in case of total loss of the traveler's luggage.
  • Recovery of costs up to EUR 250 if the delay to baggage delivered more than four hours.
  • Recovery of costs up to 150 euros in case of flight delay of over four hours.
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